About our Standards

El Camino believes that effective catechism is delivered through the formation of young disciples by effective teaching of theological knowledge, an astute and well-rounded prayer life, aligned sacramental preparation and reception, and virtue formation in both catechists and students. The El Camino Content Standards represent the key theological knowledge that students should come to know and understand through their catechetical experience. Using Backwards Design, content is spiraled from eighth grade to kindergarten to ensure that the building blocks of knowledge are solidified and complexity is developmentally appropriate. The standards are organized into six specific domains to best align with the Catechetical Guide – Old Testament Knowledge, New Testament Knowledge, Liturgical Life, Ecclesiology, Prayer, Morality, and Sacraments. These standards do NOT dictate “how” to impart knowledge, but simply represent the actual, specific content students should know.

Kindergarten Standards

Old Testament Knowledge

Old Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed to the Hebrew people within Sacred Scripture. The Old Covenant accounts of salvation history provide a foundation to understand God’s providential plan to draw humanity back to Himself within Hebrew culture and history.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the Our Father.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that Christ died for us.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that Jesus is a part of the Trinity.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that because we love Jesus, we should tell other people about Him.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know that Jesus knows all their needs.

Standard 6:

Disciples will know that the Bible is God’s Word for us.

New Testament Knowledge

New Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed within the accounts of the New Covenant, instituted by the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ. This record covers the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, as well as the institution of the early Catholic Faith and its sacraments.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the Our Father.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that Christ died for us.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that Jesus is a part of the Trinity.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that because we love Jesus, we should tell other people about Him.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know that Jesus knows all their needs.

Standard 6:

Disciples will know that the Bible is God’s Word for us.

Liturgical Life

Liturgical Life refers to the cycle of public worship within the Catholic Faith. Grounded in the developed Church calendar, the common life of worship allows a Christian to conform their prayer to the life of Christ. This life is highlighted in the Liturgical seasons and reinforced by the rituals and practices associated with them.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the stories of Christmas and Easter.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that we go to Mass to be with God.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that priests help us to know and love Jesus.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that the Church is the house of God.


Ecclesiology is the study of the Catholic Church. This includes Catholic doctrine and belief as well as Church hierarchy and structure, both of which have developed from (but outside of) Sacred Scripture. Ecclesiology guides us towards a biblical understanding of our relationship to one another, to God, and to non-believers.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that the Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that God is three Persons: the Trinity.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that the Church teaches us about God.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that Jesus created the Church.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know that the Church is our home with God on Earth.


Prayer is the heart of the Christian life, for it is the foundation of our relationship with God. The Catholic Church highlights the different types of prayer: adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. The Church also provides guidance to enhance and develop a dialogue with God through rote prayers, tools (i.e. the rosary, and the model of the Saints.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know how to pray with others.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand that prayer is talking to God.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that the saints are people in heaven with God.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that God wants us to talk with Him through prayer.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know that listening and silence is needed for prayer.

Standard 6:

Disciples will know that Mary is the Mother of God and loves us.


Morality is the study of Christian ethics grounded in the moral truths revealed in Sacred Scripture and developed by Church tradition. The Church provides a lens by which to view sin, forgiveness, and the call to holiness, examining what man owes to God and neighbor within Catholic Social Teaching.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that God loves all His children.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that God wants us to be happy.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that they are all children of God.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that our choices and actions can hurt our relationship with God and others.


The Sacraments of the Catholic Church are the seven liturgies instituted by Jesus Christ in which God distributes His divine life to humanity. The three types of Sacraments (initiation, healing, vocation) provide the necessary graces for each Christian to live out their particular call to holiness.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that the Nativity is the birth of Jesus Christ.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that Baptism is our birthday in the Church.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that God gives us our talents and gifts.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that God wants everyone to be in His family.

First Grade Standards

Old Testament Knowledge

Old Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed to the Hebrew people within Sacred Scripture. The Old Covenant accounts of salvation history provide a foundation to understand God’s providential plan to draw humanity back to Himself within Hebrew culture and history.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the significance of God’s relation as Father to His Chosen People.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know the role of Adam and Eve in the Fall of Humanity.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that God keeps His promises.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that God gave more responsibility to the Hebrews because they were His Chosen People.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know that even though we suffer, God loves us.

New Testament Knowledge

New Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed within the accounts of the New Covenant, instituted by the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ. This record covers the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, as well as the institution of the early Catholic Faith and its sacraments.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that Christ’s commandments call us to love.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that by dying and rising, Christ made eternal life available to us.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that Christ came to heal those in need of healing.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know why we preach the Gospel.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know that Christ desires to heal us as He healed those in the New Testament accounts.

Standard 6:

Disciples will know the difference between the Old and New Testaments.

Liturgical Life

Liturgical Life refers to the cycle of public worship within the Catholic Faith. Grounded in the developed Church calendar, the common life of worship allows a Christian to conform their prayer to the life of Christ. This life is highlighted in the Liturgical seasons and reinforced by the rituals and practices associated with them.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that we prepare for Christ in the seasons of Advent and Lent.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that we love and worship God at Mass.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that the priest acts as Christ and is Christ’s friend for us.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that Jesus wants us to come to His Church to pray and love God.


Ecclesiology is the study of the Catholic Church. This includes Catholic doctrine and belief as well as Church hierarchy and structure, both of which have developed from (but outside of) Sacred Scripture. Ecclesiology guides us towards a biblical understanding of our relationship to one another, to God, and to non-believers.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that the mission of the Holy Spirit is to guide them.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that the Church is a home for all people.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that the saints are a part of Christ’s Church.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that the Pope is the leader of the Church.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know that God is all-powerful and perfect.


Prayer is the heart of the Christian life, for it is the foundation of our relationship with God. The Catholic Church highlights the different types of prayer: adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. The Church also provides guidance to enhance and develop a dialogue with God through rote prayers, tools (i.e. the rosary, and the model of the Saints.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that we are called to pray for others.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that we can be alone with God in prayer.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that God wants us to be saints.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that we should pray to God every day.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know that their body can help them pray.

Standard 6:

Disciples will know the Hail Mary.


Morality is the study of Christian ethics grounded in the moral truths revealed in Sacred Scripture and developed by Church tradition. The Church provides a lens by which to view sin, forgiveness, and the call to holiness, examining what man owes to God and neighbor within Catholic Social Teaching.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that they receive love as a gift from God in Baptism.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that we are happiest when we are with God.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that we are made in the “image and likeness” of God.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that we are given a free will to choose between good and evil.


The Sacraments of the Catholic Church are the seven liturgies instituted by Jesus Christ in which God distributes His divine life to humanity. The three types of Sacraments (initiation, healing, vocation) provide the necessary graces for each Christian to live out their particular call to holiness.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the Nativity as the birth of God into the world.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that through Baptism God lives within us.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that God wants each of us to use our gifts to love Him.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that God’s family is the Church.

Second Grade Standards

Old Testament Knowledge

Old Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed to the Hebrew people within Sacred Scripture. The Old Covenant accounts of salvation history provide a foundation to understand God’s providential plan to draw humanity back to Himself within Hebrew culture and history.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the Chosen People have a special role within the context of God’s plan for man.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that God made man as a steward of the earth and how we are called to this role today.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that God wanted to be in relationship with the Hebrew people.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that God called the Hebrew people (and us) to serve Him within various roles (steward, shepherd, chieftain, king, etc.).

Standard 5:

Disciples will know that the Chosen People disobeyed God in various Old Testament events.

New Testament Knowledge

New Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed within the accounts of the New Covenant, instituted by the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ. This record covers the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, as well as the institution of the early Catholic Faith and its sacraments.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that Christ introduces God’s important relationship with us as Father in the “Our Father.”

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that Christ’s actions on earth were in preparation for His death and resurrection.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that Christ’s primary mission was to bring spiritual healing to man.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that Christ sent the Holy Spirit to guide the leaders of the early Church to carry out His mission.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know that we need spiritual food the same way we need physical food.

Standard 6:

Disciples will know the authors of the Gospels and their relationship with Christ.

Liturgical Life

Liturgical Life refers to the cycle of public worship within the Catholic Faith. Grounded in the developed Church calendar, the common life of worship allows a Christian to conform their prayer to the life of Christ. This life is highlighted in the Liturgical seasons and reinforced by the rituals and practices associated with them.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that the liturgical seasons reflect Christ’s life.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that the structure of sacred liturgy leads one closer to God.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know the role of the priest as shepherd.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the importance behind the physical elements, symbols, and signs of the Sacrifice of the Mass.


Ecclesiology is the study of the Catholic Church. This includes Catholic doctrine and belief as well as Church hierarchy and structure, both of which have developed from (but outside of) Sacred Scripture. Ecclesiology guides us towards a biblical understanding of our relationship to one another, to God, and to non-believers.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the scriptural event of Pentecost as the birth of the Church.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know why the Church is called Catholic and that the Church is meant for all.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know how the saints help the Church grow.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that the Pope represents Christ as the leader of the Church on Earth.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know that God is infinite and eternal, but we are not.


Prayer is the heart of the Christian life, for it is the foundation of our relationship with God. The Catholic Church highlights the different types of prayer: adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. The Church also provides guidance to enhance and develop a dialogue with God through rote prayers, tools (i.e. the rosary, and the model of the Saints.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that prayer strengthens their relationships with others and Christ.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that God wishes to hear our thoughts and desires.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that the Church is home to saints from every culture and walk of life.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand prayer as the lifting of one’s heart and mind to God.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know the important role physical objects play in directing our prayer (crucifix, statues, images, rosaries, etc.).

Standard 6:

Disciples will understand the role of Mary as Spiritual Mother to us as brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ.


Morality is the study of Christian ethics grounded in the moral truths revealed in Sacred Scripture and developed by Church tradition. The Church provides a lens by which to view sin, forgiveness, and the call to holiness, examining what man owes to God and neighbor within Catholic Social Teaching.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that God gives all of us His love and we can share it with others.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that we find happiness by choosing good over evil.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that we all have a shared dignity due to our creation in God’s image and likeness.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that their conscience helps them make good decisions.


The Sacraments of the Catholic Church are the seven liturgies instituted by Jesus Christ in which God distributes His divine life to humanity. The three types of Sacraments (initiation, healing, vocation) provide the necessary graces for each Christian to live out their particular call to holiness.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know that the Incarnation is God becoming man.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that God desires to interact with and help us through the Church.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know the types of vocations that can be lived out in the Church (single, ordained, religious, married, etc.).

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that grace is a free spiritual gift from God meant for the good of ourselves and others, found in a special way within the Sacrament of Confession.

Third Grade Standards

Old Testament Knowledge

Old Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed to the Hebrew people within Sacred Scripture. The Old Covenant accounts of salvation history provide a foundation to understand God’s providential plan to draw humanity back to Himself within Hebrew culture and history.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand how Hebrew leaders (judges, prophets, kings) helped the people live according to God’s will.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand that God’s gifts are meant to be received and in taking them for ourselves, we show distrust in Him.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know the characteristics of a covenant and how it is different from a contract.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that the Hebrew people are our spiritual ancestors and we enter into one family in Christ through our baptism.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand that the Hebrew people suffer because of their broken relationship with God, and He wants to lead them back to Him.

New Testament Knowledge

New Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed within the accounts of the New Covenant, instituted by the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ. This record covers the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, as well as the institution of the early Catholic Faith and its sacraments.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the fulfillment of the old law in Christ’s actions and teachings, and the difference between the letter of the Law and the spirit of the Law.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand that the Paschal Mystery repairs humanity’s broken relationship with God.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that Jesus asks for our help in bringing people to healing and salvation within the Kingdom of God.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand that after Christ’s death and resurrection, St. Paul guided the early Christians in living with Christ.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know that Christ instituted the Sacraments in order to have a continued relationship with us after His death and resurrection.

Standard 6:

Disciples will know that the Bible is a series of books inspired by God.

Liturgical Life

Liturgical Life refers to the cycle of public worship within the Catholic Faith. Grounded in the developed Church calendar, the common life of worship allows a Christian to conform their prayer to the life of Christ. This life is highlighted in the Liturgical seasons and reinforced by the rituals and practices associated with them.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the significance of the colors and symbols of the liturgical seasons.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand why regular reception of the Eucharist in Mass helps nourish and support our spiritual life.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand the role of the priest as mediator between us and God in sacred liturgy.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know how to use their senses through art, music, and the written word within sacred liturgy.


Ecclesiology is the study of the Catholic Church. This includes Catholic doctrine and belief as well as Church hierarchy and structure, both of which have developed from (but outside of) Sacred Scripture. Ecclesiology guides us towards a biblical understanding of our relationship to one another, to God, and to non-believers.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the gifts and graces the Church received from the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand that all members of the Church are brought into unity through Christ at baptism.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand that Christ gave His Apostles teaching authority within the Church, handed down to the Pope and Bishops.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand that the Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to the hierarchy and people of the Church.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand that God reveals certain Truths to us, in His word, in certain events in our lives, and through the lives of others (saints, angels, etc.).


Prayer is the heart of the Christian life, for it is the foundation of our relationship with God. The Catholic Church highlights the different types of prayer: adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. The Church also provides guidance to enhance and develop a dialogue with God through rote prayers, tools (i.e. the rosary, and the model of the Saints.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the different communities they are a part of within our one Faith.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand that beauty within nature helps lead the mind, body, and soul to God in prayer.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand that we can develop a friendship with the saints through prayer.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the difference between personal (non-vocal) prayer and vocal prayer.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know the importance of rote prayers (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, etc.).

Standard 6:

Disciples will know that, due to the Immaculate Conception, Mary has a special relationship with God.


Morality is the study of Christian ethics grounded in the moral truths revealed in Sacred Scripture and developed by Church tradition. The Church provides a lens by which to view sin, forgiveness, and the call to holiness, examining what man owes to God and neighbor within Catholic Social Teaching.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand that Christ, through grace, calls us to love everyone, even our enemies.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know that by modeling Christ we can achieve happiness both in this life and in the next.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that the final 7 commandments outline the respect we owe our neighbors due to our shared dignity.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand that choosing sin harms and breaks our relationship with God and neighbor.


The Sacraments of the Catholic Church are the seven liturgies instituted by Jesus Christ in which God distributes His divine life to humanity. The three types of Sacraments (initiation, healing, vocation) provide the necessary graces for each Christian to live out their particular call to holiness.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand that the Sacraments help us grow closer to God.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know the Seven Sacraments and their role within the Church.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand vocation as God’s plan for our happiness.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand that through Baptism we are called to share the Faith.

Fourth Grade Standards

Old Testament Knowledge

Old Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed to the Hebrew people within Sacred Scripture. The Old Covenant accounts of salvation history provide a foundation to understand God’s providential plan to draw humanity back to Himself within Hebrew culture and history.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the importance of trust within the Hebrew father’s relationship with God.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the scriptural depiction of the seven days of creation - the original order and structure of creation.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand that God’s covenant with the Hebrew people requires mutual presence and attention.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the impact the role of the king had upon the Chosen People’s relationship with God.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand the impact that community has on one’s individual suffering, as identified within Old Testament accounts (Ruth, Job, etc.).

New Testament Knowledge

New Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed within the accounts of the New Covenant, instituted by the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ. This record covers the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, as well as the institution of the early Catholic Faith and its sacraments.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand how Christ, within the “Kingdom of God” proclamation, promises and teaches about the promise of happiness in this life and in the next.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the relationship between Christ and the pharisees in relation to the Mosaic Law.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know that Christ is the second person of the Trinity, while both fully God and fully man.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand that the different roles within the family help create a foundation for the Christian life.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand that Christ is fully man, as depicted through scriptural accounts of His personal relationships.

Standard 6:

Disciples will know that God continues to speak to them (and the Church) through Scripture.

Liturgical Life

Liturgical Life refers to the cycle of public worship within the Catholic Faith. Grounded in the developed Church calendar, the common life of worship allows a Christian to conform their prayer to the life of Christ. This life is highlighted in the Liturgical seasons and reinforced by the rituals and practices associated with them.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the significance of fasting and feasting within the liturgical life of the Church.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the Mass structure as both a meal and a sacrifice.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand the role of the priest as representing Christ’s many images (Shepherd, Wounded Healer, Father, etc.).

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand that each celebration of the Mass is a participation in Christ’s sacrificial crucifixion.


Ecclesiology is the study of the Catholic Church. This includes Catholic doctrine and belief as well as Church hierarchy and structure, both of which have developed from (but outside of) Sacred Scripture. Ecclesiology guides us towards a biblical understanding of our relationship to one another, to God, and to non-believers.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the various ways the Church lives Her mission to the world.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand that the oneness of the many people within the Church mirrors the unity of the three Persons in the Trinity.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand the role of martyrs in the early Church as witness to the Truths of the Faith.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand that Christ gives us the graces necessary to live out a permanent vocation (marriage, religious, etc.) within the Church.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand that Sacred Scripture, written by man, was inspired by God, and that we are called to interpret His Word.


Prayer is the heart of the Christian life, for it is the foundation of our relationship with God. The Catholic Church highlights the different types of prayer: adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. The Church also provides guidance to enhance and develop a dialogue with God through rote prayers, tools (i.e. the rosary, and the model of the Saints.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the different ways Catholics pray as a community (in the family, as a parish, with friends, etc.) depends on the kinds of relationships within the community.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the importance of silence within the growth of a Christian’s prayer life.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand the various types of intercessors within the Church (Mary and the saints, souls in purgatory, us) and the significance of their relationships.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know the different types of prayer and how they can be used in their day-to-day lives.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand how the Mysteries of the Rosary lead us to deeper reflection in meditative prayer.

Standard 6:

Disciples will understand that Mary’s life of continual prayer is for us to both receive and model.


Morality is the study of Christian ethics grounded in the moral truths revealed in Sacred Scripture and developed by Church tradition. The Church provides a lens by which to view sin, forgiveness, and the call to holiness, examining what man owes to God and neighbor within Catholic Social Teaching.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the difference and hierarchy between types of love (Eros, Philio, Storge, Agape).

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand that eternal life is an offer to us from God.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand how the creation story lays the foundation for the Church's teaching on the human person (human dignity, relationship to creation, free will, etc.)

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the difference between mortal sin and venial sin (gravity, knowledge, will).


The Sacraments of the Catholic Church are the seven liturgies instituted by Jesus Christ in which God distributes His divine life to humanity. The three types of Sacraments (initiation, healing, vocation) provide the necessary graces for each Christian to live out their particular call to holiness.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand why we need the spiritual graces found within the Sacraments.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the prefigurements of the Sacraments within Old Testament events (Noah, Red Sea, Passover, etc.).

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand vocation as the primary end of Christian living, and occupation as the practical way it can be lived out.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the need for grace and strength of character within leadership roles and in living out their faith.

Fifth Grade Standards

Old Testament Knowledge

Old Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed to the Hebrew people within Sacred Scripture. The Old Covenant accounts of salvation history provide a foundation to understand God’s providential plan to draw humanity back to Himself within Hebrew culture and history.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the development of God’s relationship with the Chosen People within the framework of a parent-child dynamic.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the significance of both creation stories found in Genesis and the disorder brought about by the Fall.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand how Old Testament covenants build upon one another, drawing the Hebrew people closer to God.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand why the role of priest as mediator between God and the Chosen People prefigured Christ’s role in the crucifixion.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand original sin as an inherited trait from our Biblical ancestors, having a lasting impact on our identity (concupiscence).

New Testament Knowledge

New Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed within the accounts of the New Covenant, instituted by the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ. This record covers the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, as well as the institution of the early Catholic Faith and its sacraments.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand that due to their prophesied need for a Messiah, the Hebrew people had a unique identity among the ancients (i.e. the Roman Empire).

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand how Christ’s teachings fulfill the Mosaic Law and how Christ, through the Paschal Mystery, is the “new Moses.”

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand how the four types of Christ’s miracles demonstrated His divinity.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the importance of friendship and accountability in the Christian life as depicted in the Epistles.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand the significance of the Person of Christ, both God and Man, as found within Sacred Scripture.

Standard 6:

Disciples will understand that scriptural truths are supported and developed within Church Tradition.

Liturgical Life

Liturgical Life refers to the cycle of public worship within the Catholic Faith. Grounded in the developed Church calendar, the common life of worship allows a Christian to conform their prayer to the life of Christ. This life is highlighted in the Liturgical seasons and reinforced by the rituals and practices associated with them.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the role of prayer in the ordering of one’s day, as exemplified by the Liturgy of the Hours, Feast Days, and other Holy Days.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the main parts of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and their purpose.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand spiritual fatherhood in light of Christ’s relationship with God the Father.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the importance of liturgy reflecting a people's culture.


Ecclesiology is the study of the Catholic Church. This includes Catholic doctrine and belief as well as Church hierarchy and structure, both of which have developed from (but outside of) Sacred Scripture. Ecclesiology guides us towards a biblical understanding of our relationship to one another, to God, and to non-believers.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the mission of the Church in light of Christ’s final exhortation to His Apostles.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand how the four marks of the Church differentiate the Catholic Faith from other Christian traditions.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand the role of the early Church Fathers in the development of the Nicene Creed.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand that the integrity and legitimacy of the Church and Her members relies upon Apostolic succession.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know the divine attributes (omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, omnibenevolent) and their unity within the Trinity.


Prayer is the heart of the Christian life, for it is the foundation of our relationship with God. The Catholic Church highlights the different types of prayer: adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. The Church also provides guidance to enhance and develop a dialogue with God through rote prayers, tools (i.e. the rosary, and the model of the Saints.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the magnified graces of praying with others.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the primacy of the Theological Virtues as the foundation for a personal prayer life.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand the lives of the saints as models and evidence of the power of prayer.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know the importance of thanksgiving as a form of prayer, exemplified within Scripture and modeled by the saints.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand the difference between meditation and contemplation and the tools (lectio divina, adoration) that can guide us within them.

Standard 6:

Disciples will understand how Mary continues to guide the Church to her son through her modern-day apparitions.


Morality is the study of Christian ethics grounded in the moral truths revealed in Sacred Scripture and developed by Church tradition. The Church provides a lens by which to view sin, forgiveness, and the call to holiness, examining what man owes to God and neighbor within Catholic Social Teaching.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand that the Mosaic Law (the Ten Commandments) is fulfilled by the two greatest commandments given by Christ in the Gospels.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand that true freedom and happiness are found in God.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know the principles of christian morality and how they are grounded within Sacred Scripture.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand how circumstances impact moral decision making.


The Sacraments of the Catholic Church are the seven liturgies instituted by Jesus Christ in which God distributes His divine life to humanity. The three types of Sacraments (initiation, healing, vocation) provide the necessary graces for each Christian to live out their particular call to holiness.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand why God took on flesh to bring about salvation for man.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know the essential elements of each Sacrament (matter, form, minister).

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand why the vows of chastity, obedience, and poverty allow for the freedom to live out one’s Religious vocation.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the connection between the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Twelve Fruits.

Sixth Grade Standards

Old Testament Knowledge

Old Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed to the Hebrew people within Sacred Scripture. The Old Covenant accounts of salvation history provide a foundation to understand God’s providential plan to draw humanity back to Himself within Hebrew culture and history.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the unique identity of the Chosen People within the scriptural account of Abraham’s tri-fold covenant.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the significance of the Fall in light of God’s intent for creation, as accounted in Genesis.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand how the Passover covenant meets the tenants and requirements of Old Testament sacrifice.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know that the prophets played an integral role in the Old Testament call to conversion, prefiguring the life and death of Christ.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand the difference between personal sin and original sin within the suffering of the Chosen People.

New Testament Knowledge

New Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed within the accounts of the New Covenant, instituted by the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ. This record covers the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, as well as the institution of the early Catholic Faith and its sacraments.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand how the beatitudes are a model for redemptive suffering in order to find true joy.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the significance of Christ’s suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension (Paschal Mystery) as a model for personal faith and hope.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand the prefigurement of Christ’s ministry and mission within the Joyful Mysteries.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand how the New Testament offers testimonies of martyrs as models of early Christian evangelization.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand why Christ wants to foster a personal connection to us in light of scriptural accounts that prefigure the Sacraments.

Standard 6:

Disciples will understand the different modes of interpretation of Scripture (literal, allegorical, moral, etc.).

Liturgical Life

Liturgical Life refers to the cycle of public worship within the Catholic Faith. Grounded in the developed Church calendar, the common life of worship allows a Christian to conform their prayer to the life of Christ. This life is highlighted in the Liturgical seasons and reinforced by the rituals and practices associated with them.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand how the liturgical seasons allow us to live out the progression of the Paschal Mystery within common worship.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the essential elements of the Mass in light of key scriptural events (Passover, Last Supper, Road to Emmaus).

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand how all baptized Christians are called to actively live out the common priesthood.

Standard 4:

Disciples will know the purpose of the liturgical elements within the Mass (vestments, architecture, sacred vessels, etc.)


Ecclesiology is the study of the Catholic Church. This includes Catholic doctrine and belief as well as Church hierarchy and structure, both of which have developed from (but outside of) Sacred Scripture. Ecclesiology guides us towards a biblical understanding of our relationship to one another, to God, and to non-believers.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand that the mission of Christ and His Apostles is lived out through all members of the Church.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand how Christ’s human and divine nature is reflected within specific elements of the Church.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand the difference among doctrine, dogma, devotion, and morals developed within the Church.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand that Christ is the Bridegroom of the Church, modeling sacrificial love for all of Her members.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand the Church’s Deposit of Faith as the fullness of Truth; pieces of which are found in other traditions.


Prayer is the heart of the Christian life, for it is the foundation of our relationship with God. The Catholic Church highlights the different types of prayer: adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. The Church also provides guidance to enhance and develop a dialogue with God through rote prayers, tools (i.e. the rosary, and the model of the Saints.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand how communal prayer offers support and consolation to one’s struggles, on both a spiritual and corporal level.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand how the personal prayer life is developed by using sacramentals and structures provided by the Church (rosary, devotionals, stations of the cross, etc.).

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand why the saints are now close to God due to their reception of His love and will.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the difference between the interior movements of the good spirit and the evil spirit within Ignatian spirituality.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand the importance and significance of adoration due to our physical proximity to Christ.

Standard 6:

Disciples will understand why God’s providential plan for us (revealed through prayer) is greater than our own personal will.


Morality is the study of Christian ethics grounded in the moral truths revealed in Sacred Scripture and developed by Church tradition. The Church provides a lens by which to view sin, forgiveness, and the call to holiness, examining what man owes to God and neighbor within Catholic Social Teaching.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand why there are greater spiritual graces when we act out of love rather than obligation.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand moral laws as guideposts leading us towards freedom and happiness.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know the importance of the four principles of Catholic Social Teaching (human dignity, common good, human solidarity, subsidiarity) in Christian living.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand how virtue and vice, developed as habits, impact our moral action.


The Sacraments of the Catholic Church are the seven liturgies instituted by Jesus Christ in which God distributes His divine life to humanity. The three types of Sacraments (initiation, healing, vocation) provide the necessary graces for each Christian to live out their particular call to holiness.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the corporal and spiritual graces within the Sacraments.

Standard 2:

Disciples will know how the Sacraments reflect the natural stages and needs of human life, from birth to natural death.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand how certain images (Bride of Christ, Bridegroom of the Church, etc) demonstrate the relationship between an individual and Christ.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, received in Confirmation, as necessary graces to live out adulthood in the Catholic Faith.

Seventh Grade Standards

Old Testament Knowledge

Old Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed to the Hebrew people within Sacred Scripture. The Old Covenant accounts of salvation history provide a foundation to understand God’s providential plan to draw humanity back to Himself within Hebrew culture and history.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand how the Fathers of Faith (Abraham, Moses, David, etc.) exemplified both the strengths and weaknesses of human nature within their relationship to God.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the causes of the Fall and God’s immediate and consistent desire to repair His broken relationship with man, as depicted by the protoevangelium.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand why sacrifice is an essential element to the covenantal relationship between God and Man, and how we can emulate sacrifice within our own lives.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the Christian call to be priest, prophet, and king in light of the significance of their role in Sacred Scripture.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand how suffering in the Old Testament finds its eventual redemption in Christ’s own sacrifice on the Cross.

New Testament Knowledge

New Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed within the accounts of the New Covenant, instituted by the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ. This record covers the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, as well as the institution of the early Catholic Faith and its sacraments.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand that Christ, as Messiah, called us to reject worldly standards in pursuit of spiritual salvation.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand how the Old Testament covenants find their fulfillment in the Paschal Mystery.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand how Christ’s “two-fold” nature as human and divine is manifested in His works and actions.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand how the radical call to discipleship demands a common life of love and sacrifice for the other.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand how Scripture shows that Christ instituted the Seven Sacraments.

Standard 6:

Disciples will understand the distinction between natural revelation and divine revelation, both being sources of knowledge of God.

Liturgical Life

Liturgical Life refers to the cycle of public worship within the Catholic Faith. Grounded in the developed Church calendar, the common life of worship allows a Christian to conform their prayer to the life of Christ. This life is highlighted in the Liturgical seasons and reinforced by the rituals and practices associated with them.

Standard 1:

Disciples will know the devotional traditions accompanying the Church calendar and understand their importance in unifying the Mystical Body of Christ.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the significance of the Mass as the source and summit of the Christian faith.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand the role of mediator within ancient sacrifice and how the priest fulfills this role within the Sacraments.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the development of specific rites within the history of the Church.


Ecclesiology is the study of the Catholic Church. This includes Catholic doctrine and belief as well as Church hierarchy and structure, both of which have developed from (but outside of) Sacred Scripture. Ecclesiology guides us towards a biblical understanding of our relationship to one another, to God, and to non-believers.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the evangelical nature of the Church's mission within the context of the term “catholic” (meaning universal).

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the significance of the development and formation of the four marks of the Church (One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic).

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand how the hierarchy (pope, bishops, and priests) has an integral role in the teachings of the Church.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand how various types of art reflect the theological relationship between Christ and the Church.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand the role of theological mystery within Christian doctrine.


Prayer is the heart of the Christian life, for it is the foundation of our relationship with God. The Catholic Church highlights the different types of prayer: adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. The Church also provides guidance to enhance and develop a dialogue with God through rote prayers, tools (i.e. the rosary, and the model of the Saints.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand that due to our nature as relational beings, we depend upon one another in prayer.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand that as our human relationships grow with time, our relationship with God should grow closer through prayer.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand that to be a saint means living your life aligned with God’s will and seeking to serve, praise, and reverence God.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand Christ as the model for prayer, exemplifying communion with God in various aspects of the human experience (joy, suffering, consolation, desolation, etc.).

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand the purpose of a prayer devotion and the personal impact it has on our prayer lives.

Standard 6:

Disciples will understand Mary’s fiat as the foundation for all prayer.


Morality is the study of Christian ethics grounded in the moral truths revealed in Sacred Scripture and developed by Church tradition. The Church provides a lens by which to view sin, forgiveness, and the call to holiness, examining what man owes to God and neighbor within Catholic Social Teaching.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the primacy of charity among the Christian virtues as illuminated by Christ (parables, sermons, miracles, etc.).

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the four types of happiness (Laetus, Felix, Beatitudo, Sublime Beatitudo) and how the moral life interacts within them.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand the role of the leadership within the Church (Magisterium) as the defender of human dignity.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand how intent helps one distinguish between virtue and vice.


The Sacraments of the Catholic Church are the seven liturgies instituted by Jesus Christ in which God distributes His divine life to humanity. The three types of Sacraments (initiation, healing, vocation) provide the necessary graces for each Christian to live out their particular call to holiness.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand why matter is necessary for the Sacraments.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand Sacred Scripture differentiates between the three types of Sacraments. (Initiation, healing, service/vocation).

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand how the universal call to holiness impacts their daily and lifelong discernment.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand why the Apostles and Mary are models for mature Christian living in the Sacrament of Confirmation (as instituted at Pentecost).

Eighth Grade Standards

Old Testament Knowledge

Old Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed to the Hebrew people within Sacred Scripture. The Old Covenant accounts of salvation history provide a foundation to understand God’s providential plan to draw humanity back to Himself within Hebrew culture and history.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the role of the Chosen People as Children of God within the context of Salvation History; modeling for us active participation in their own salvation.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the effects the Fall has on human nature, growing in the knowledge of the tools (sacraments) that the Church offers to repair the broken relationship between God and Man.

Standard 3:

Disciples will know the full sacramental implication of the covenantal relationship between God and Man by understanding Christ’s prefigurement within the Old Testament.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand how the Christian call to be priest, prophet, and king (brought to maturity within Confirmation graces) can be specifically lived out within their own lives.

Standard 5:

Disciples will know the context and significance of the Psalms within the Old Testament while growing in understanding of the consolation of prayer in their own lives.

New Testament Knowledge

New Testament Knowledge refers to the truths revealed within the accounts of the New Covenant, instituted by the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ. This record covers the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, as well as the institution of the early Catholic Faith and its sacraments.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand how Christ contradicted the expectations for the Hebrew Messiah in the political, historical, and religious context of the New Testament, laying the foundation for Catholic Social Teaching.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand that the Paschal Mystery is the fulfillment of the Old Testament covenant and the foundation for the graces available to us in the Seven Sacraments.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand how the four types of Christ’s miracles demonstrated His divinity and mission, legitimizing His identity as the Son of God and corresponding call for us to build the Kingdom of God.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand Christ’s call to evangelize the world using early Christian accounts as a guide for Christian Living (Epistles, Acts, etc.)

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand how the legitimacy of the Seven Sacraments and their institution within the Gospels develops and nourishes our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Standard 6:

Disciples will understand how the concept of genre affects our interpretation and understanding of divine revelation.

Liturgical Life

Liturgical Life refers to the cycle of public worship within the Catholic Faith. Grounded in the developed Church calendar, the common life of worship allows a Christian to conform their prayer to the life of Christ. This life is highlighted in the Liturgical seasons and reinforced by the rituals and practices associated with them.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand how the liturgical calendar helps us live a common and constant life of prayer grounded in the Paschal Mystery.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the significance of the sacrifice of the Mass as the height of sacred ritual and common worship uniting the people of God within the Trinity.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand the role of the priesthood in the liturgy, both in its ministerial and common forms.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand why the essential elements of Catholic liturgy unify the Sacraments within various cultures and times.


Ecclesiology is the study of the Catholic Church. This includes Catholic doctrine and belief as well as Church hierarchy and structure, both of which have developed from (but outside of) Sacred Scripture. Ecclesiology guides us towards a biblical understanding of our relationship to one another, to God, and to non-believers.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand the implications Pentecost has upon evangelization throughout the lived history of the Church and for the mission of Her members.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the meaning and significance of the four marks of the Church (One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic) and how they are embodied by Christ for us to emulate in our lives.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand how events and people within history have continued relevance in the development of Christian dogma, doctrine, and practices.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the theological relationship between Christ and His Church as reflected in the respective relationships between ordained, religious, and laity and the Church.

Standard 5:

Disciples will understand how the concept of paradox helps reveal theological truths necessary to living out the Christian life (Trinity, empty to be filled, in weakness we are made strong, etc.).


Prayer is the heart of the Christian life, for it is the foundation of our relationship with God. The Catholic Church highlights the different types of prayer: adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. The Church also provides guidance to enhance and develop a dialogue with God through rote prayers, tools (i.e. the rosary, and the model of the Saints.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand why communal prayer allows for deeper connection to others and God.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand how the development of the individual prayer life is a journey towards oneness with God as exemplified by figures within the Church (pilgrim, hermit, etc.).

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand that due to their proximity to God, fostering a relationship with the saints deepens intercessory prayer.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand how different types of prayer (thanksgiving, adoration, petition, etc.) reflect the various aspects of the human experience.

Standard 5:

DIsciples will understand why various tools that the Church provides (adoration, rosary, devotions) help us direct our prayer life towards God.

Standard 6:

Disciples will understand that Sacred Scripture depicts Mary as the perfect model for the conformity of one’s will to God’s, which we pursue through prayer.


Morality is the study of Christian ethics grounded in the moral truths revealed in Sacred Scripture and developed by Church tradition. The Church provides a lens by which to view sin, forgiveness, and the call to holiness, examining what man owes to God and neighbor within Catholic Social Teaching.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand that the primary source and fulfillment of morality is love, and that love of God and neighbor motivates the moral life.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand the role of grace in achieving the moral life and finding ultimate happiness (Beatitudo) in God.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand how sacred scripture and Church Tradition reveal principles of morality (human dignity, common good, etc) that can be applied to social issues.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand sin and virtue through the distinction between the moral elements (object, intent, circumstance).


The Sacraments of the Catholic Church are the seven liturgies instituted by Jesus Christ in which God distributes His divine life to humanity. The three types of Sacraments (initiation, healing, vocation) provide the necessary graces for each Christian to live out their particular call to holiness.

Standard 1:

Disciples will understand how the Incarnation demonstrates the relationship between matter and salvific grace.

Standard 2:

Disciples will understand how the liturgical structure of the Sacraments is instituted by Christ in Sacred Scripture.

Standard 3:

Disciples will understand that they are each called to a specific vocation within the framework of the universal call to holiness, a call which relies on the graces found within the Seven Sacraments.

Standard 4:

Disciples will understand the responsibility (regular reception of the Sacraments, evangelization, etc.) that accompanies a full initiation within the Christian Faith, culminating in Confirmation.